I just can't even conceive of that quantity of money 那么多钱,我根本都无法想象。
But when he saw what a quantity of silver money it contained, he very quickly threw away all the coppers he had taken, and filled his pockets and his knapsack with nothing but silver. 他把狗儿抱到女巫的围裙上。当他看到箱子里有那么多的银币的时候,他就把他所有的铜板都扔掉,把自己的衣袋和行军袋全装满了银币。
The quantity of money in an economy is central to determining the state of that economy& it affects the level of prices, the rate of economic growth and the level of employment. 经济中的货币量是决定经济状况的核心因素,影响到物价水平,经济增长速度和就业率。
But Milton Friedman raised the possibility in an essay he wrote on the optimum quantity of money. 但米尔顿弗里德曼(MiltonFriedman)曾在其撰写的一篇关于最优货币量的论文中提出了这种可能性。
Quantitative easing or credit easing means that the growth rate of the quantity of money increases, but there is no monetary principle or empirical evidence supporting such an explosion. 定量宽松或放宽信贷意味着货币总量将加速增长,但没有货币原则或经验证据可以支持这种爆炸。
The People's Bank has a target interest rate but its focus is on economic growth and the assumed quantity of money needed to fund it. 中国央行有一个目标利率,但其着眼点在于经济增长,以及据此估算出维持经济增长所需的货币数量。
The quantity theory of money was the foundation of the gold standard. 货币数量学说①是金本位制的基础理论。
The Empirical Research of the Dynamic Correlation between the Quantity of Money and Output in China; snake currency 中国货币数量变化与产出变化动态关联性研究蛇形货币,参加“地洞中的蛇”体系的货币
The holding bank receives the interest paid by the underdeveloped countries, then puts it into another'holding bank'which, in turn, invests the huge quantity of money on behalf of the Arabs. 举行银行获得的利息由不发达的国家,然后把它变成另一种'控股银行,这反过来又投入了大量的金钱代表阿拉伯人。
Ostensibly, all central banks using QE are targeting the quantity of money in the system hence "quantitative easing". 表面上,所有使用定量宽松政策的央行针对的都是系统内的货币数量因此叫做“定量宽松”。
Quantity theory of money theory holding that the overall level of prices is proportional to the size of the money supply. a key monetarist theory. 货币数量学说这种学说认为,整个物价水平是与货币供应量的大小成比例的。这是一种主要的货币学说。
Thus was born the quantity theory of money, which has survived to this day. 货币数量理论由此诞生,并一直延续至今。
With growth slowing and the quantity of money stagnant, deflation is a greater risk than runaway inflation. 随着增长放缓以及大量货币停滞,相对于通胀失控,通缩的风险更大。
The use of quantity of money as a target has not been success. I am not sure I would as of today push it hard as I once did. 年,弗里德曼在去世前的第三年自己说道:“使用货币总量作为(美联储)的一个目标并不是很成功,我不确定自己是否还会像之前那样坚信它”。
The comparison study of Marx's monetary theory and western quantity theory of money 马克思货币理论与西方货币数量论比较研究
It is not just about the quantity of money and the output gap; it requires chasing behaviour to close the output gap and drive prices higher. 变量不仅包括货币总量和产出缺口,还包括弥合产出缺口和推高价格的追逐行为。
Thirdly, banking crisis will destroy the credit initiation mechanism and as a result the quantity of money supply necessary for economic development cannot be guaranteed. ?第三,银行危机将使信用创造机制遭受严重破坏,经济发展正常需要的货币供给量无法得到保证。
Therefore, the economists devote themselves to determine the long-term influencing factors that they can influence the money demand and the stable relations between the influencing factors and the quantity of money supply. 所以,经济学家们花费了大量气力来确定影响长期货币需求的决定因素,以及这些因素与货币供应量之间的稳定关系。
Quantity of Money in Circulation, Economic Growth and Inflation& Also on Countermeasures for Inflation 货币投放经济增长及通货膨胀&兼论治理通货膨胀的对策
Development in the real sectors of the economy affects people's financial decision, which, in turn influence the quantity of money demanded. 认为经济中真实部门的发展影响人们的理财决定,从而影响货币需求的数量。
Optimum Quantity of Money with Catching up with the Joneses 最优货币数量与消费攀比
In this paper, we discuss the problem of optimum quantity of money in a cash-in-advance model with random technology shock and catching up with Joneses. 本文在一个随机技术冲击驱动的模型经济中,将消费攀比引入个体效用函数,研究了个体间存在消费攀比时的政府最优货币政策问题。
The quantity of money is the core of market economy, the focal point of social issues, and the standard of view, moral and ethics. 货币数量是市场经济中的核心,社会问题中的焦点,观念、道德、伦理的标准,提出了货币数量的能量、魅力、幻觉。
Therefore monetary authorities take the quantity of money supply as intermediate target in the long run. However this must take the stable money demand function as the premise. So a stable money demand function is thought to be essential for money policy. 而对货币供应量的调控又必须以稳定的货币需求函数为前提,因此一个稳定的货币需求函数是货币政策实施中运用货币供应量为中介目标的先决条件。
Foreign investments in China and the quantity of money supply 中国引进外资与本币供应量之间数量关系
All the economists argued that the basic monetary theory should consist of the nature and function of money, but the author assumes that the quantity of money, the most important one, should be included anyhow. 古往今来的经济学家都认为货币的基本理论问题是货币的本质和职能,作者提出是货币的本质、职能和数量三个,而不是两个,而且货币数量是核心。
The paper deals with the quantity of money in relation to its nature and function, the opposite of money, its limitless meaning in terms of nature while the limited one in terms of its quantity. 阐述了货币数量与本质、职能的关系,货币数量的对立面,货币在质上是无限的,在量上是有限的。
Now our country takes quantity of money supply as medium target of money policy, to keep quantity of money supply steady and achieve policy target, central bank must adopt measures to sterilize the plus of money base made by increasing of foreign exchange. 我国目前是把货币供应量作为货币政策的中介目标,为了保持货币供应量的稳定,实现既定的政策目标,央行必须采取措施对外汇储备增加引起的基础货币投放增加进行冲销。
In classical model, the velocity and quantity of money can only change the price level, not the real income. 在古典模型中,货币流通速度与货币供给都只是影响价格水平,而不能影响实际产出。
The quantity of money supply and credit target is in accordance with the requirement of intermediate target, and therefore they are still the important intermediate target of monetary policy. 货币供应量和信贷指标具备中介指标的要求,仍然是货币政策重要的中介指标。